OnRamps Economics
The 2023-2024 OnRamps Economics Pilot Year
school districts across Texas
high school instructors
high school students

OnRamps Economics
Nineteen school districts across Texas are currently participating in the pilot version of the OnRamps Economics Course launched in fall 2023. The course will begin its full run in fall 2024 and be offered to thousands of students across the Lone Star State.
Students will engage in flipped learning to drive understanding of their own mastery of core economics principles. They will collaborate with peers in class discussions and problem-solving exercises to apply and extend their knowledge of economics concepts. By the end of the course, students will possess deeper comprehension of a highly complex and evolving world tied to entrepreneurship, business, and daily life.
What is OnRamps?
OnRamps was established in 2011 with the mission to increase the number of students who access and engage in learning experiences aligned with the expectations of leading research universities.
Their team of experts in the fields of instructional innovation and design, professional learning and development, and enrollment management serve a growing community of high school students and their families, high school teachers, counselors, district and campus administrators, and college and university faculty and leadership.
What Does OnRamps Do?
OnRamps delivers high-quality distance education to students and teachers. Their dual enrollment courses have prepared more than 167,000 students in Texas for the challenges and rigor of college.
OnRamps offers robust professional development to teachers and faculty to help advance their content knowledge and expertise and boost student engagement, persistence, and completion.
OnRamps partners with school districts and higher education institutions–whether through offering OnRamps courses or seeking unique, customizable supports–to help students and teachers excel in the classroom and beyond